5 Habits to Improve your Life this Year

5 Habits to improve your life in 2022. New habits new year. How to goal set. Pharmacist burnout speaker. Dr. Jessica Louie. The Burnout Doctor Podcast.

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Mentioned on Ep 144: 5 Habits to Improve your Life

I’m looking for ways to improve my life and uplevel this year. What is your advice Dr. Louie? Let’s talk 5 habits to improve your life today.

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Jessica Louie. Today, we are talking about 5 habits to improve your life. Thank you for sharing your action steps from our last episode on how to reinvent yourself this year. Many of you are taking action by using our complimentary Burnout Starter Kit and Financial Freedom Kit – don’t forget to download yours today! We all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.

1: Wake up with a positive thought

Start your day with a positive thought. It could be simple. “Today is going to be a great day.” Think it. Say it out loud before you get out of bed.

I add my daily joy checks with 3 questions from my planner. What can I get excited about today? If a challenge arises, how can I show up with my best self? How can I spread joy with a note of appreciation or thank you today?

Finally, I add in daily affirmation statements (from episode 108)

2: Learn something new each day

We can all learn something new each day. Whether it is from a book you are reading (find out 10 books to read in our next podcast episode), a YouTube video, a podcast, a news article or from a conversation with a friend.

3: End the day with gratitude and a compliment to yourself

Gratitude can help us appreciate the present moment. Ending the day with a statement of gratitude can lift our spirits as well. Write it down and say it out loud.

I also like adding one compliment to myself during the day. This helps our mindset and feelings, especially if we tend to be our own worst critics and have negative self-talk.

Episode 97 talks about how to Practice Gratitude.

4: Laugh as much as possible

Now you may think, well I’m not funny so how will I incorporate laughter into my day? You don’t need to be funny to do this. Sometimes we need a reminder to loosen up and laugh at ourselves. Laughter can be the best medicine to pick us up and show positive energy.

5: Establish routines and boundaries that work for your life

I think morning and evening routines can change your life. Incorporate 10 minutes a day (5 in the morning and 5 in the evening) and see you how you feel in one week, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks. Then increase from there. Next, set up healthy boundaries for yourself. This is a reminder that you do not need to be on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – for work or for your family. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we cannot take care of others.

Episode 107 talks about Morning Routines and Episode 137 talks about the Importance of Evening Routines. Episode 115 talks about How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Life

In my Joy at Work Course, you can get even more advice and action steps on how to make decisions with confidence and how to say no with confidence.

Make sure you’re following along on our YouTube channel (youtube.com/drjessicalouie) as well with new videos going live every Saturday!

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.