October is American Pharmacists Month. 10 things everyone should know about their pharmacist. What does a pharmacist do?
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View all the pharmacist month stories from episodes 67-94 on the podcast today! Featuring 27 pharmacist unique stories, specialties and career paths.
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Mentioned on Ep 136: October is American Pharmacists Month. 10 things everyone should know about their pharmacist. What does a pharmacist do?
Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Jessica Louie. Thank you for sharing your action steps from our last episode on how to let go of work controlling your life. Many of you are taking action by using our complimentary Burnout Starter Kit and What If Protocol – don’t forget to download yours today! We all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.
Pharmacists hold Doctorate Degrees
- Since 2000, all pharmacists hold Pharm.D. (Doctor of Pharmacy) degrees
- I graduated with a PharrmD degree in 2013 from the University of Southern California (USC) – the oldest PharrmD program in the country
Pharmacists are Licensed in each State
- Pharmacists are required to pass National AND State licensure exams to practice
- I am licensed in California and Utah
Pharmacists can complete Post-Graduate Training known as Residency or Fellowship
- Pharmacists can complete 1-2 year residency training and 1-3 year fellowship training
- I completed a 2-year residency program at the University of Utah Health in critical care
Pharmacists can be Board-Certified in their specialty areas
- There are 13 different Board-Certification specialties a pharmacist can be certified in
- I am Board-Certified in Critical Care (the BCCCP letters after my name)
- Learn more on the BPS website
Pharmacists can administer Vaccines in all 50 states
- Get ready for flu season by seeing your pharmacist today!
- I’ve been certified to administer vaccines since 2009
Pharmacist provide MTM Services
- MTM (medication therapy management) optimizes drug therapy and improves patient outcomes, especially for people with multiple chronic diseases & on several medications
- Most MTM services are covered by Medicare & other insurance providers
Pharmacists are the most accessible healthcare professional
- >90% of people live within 5 miles of a pharmacist
Pharmacist do more than dispense pills
- Pharmacists are highly educated and skilled and work in a variety of settings such as: hospitals, ambulatory care clinics, community, drug development, informatics, academia, long-term care, VA, managed care and more!
Pharmacist may have advanced licensure status such as APh
- APh (Advanced Practice Pharmacist) are able to perform higher level patient care this status is available in California
- I am licensed as an APh in California – visit your state board public records to find pharmacists with this designation
Pharmacists are continuing learning
- Pharmacy continues to change with new medications developed, new ways to take care of chronic illness and prevent disease. Pharmacists complete CE (continuing education) credits to fulfill state and national licensure and certification standards
This article originally published on Find Your Script blog here
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Until next time, spark joy my friends!
Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.