how to goal set for 2023. CURATE method to reverse engineer goals. How to actually achieve goals. The Burnout Doctor Podcast. Keynote speaker.

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It’s time to celebrate the new year! Let’s set intention and goals into 2023.

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast with Dr. Jessica Louie. Today, we are talking about how to set goals for 2023 (and anytime of the year). Thank you for sharing your action steps from our last episode on what not to do when you are burned out and morning/evening routines. Many of you are taking action by using our complimentary Burnout Starter Kit and Financial Freedom Kit – don’t forget to download yours today! We all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.

As a previous pharmacy student, I LOVE acronyms. Acronyms are how I memorized information and made studying fun for the less complex topics in pharmacy school. I created the acronym CURATE early on in my business

Simplify your Life

Lead with Confidence

Curate a Life you LOVE

I chose the word CURATE because it means to carefully select, organize and look after. It incorporates intention into everyday living and life. Taking action means getting uncomfortable in our lives – developing the next stage of our lives.

CURATE Method to set goals:

  • Clarify your why and purpose
  • Unpack and brain dump
  • Reduce and simplify
  • Align
  • Take action
  • Evaluate and enjoy

Step 1: Clarify your purpose and values

Get back to who you are as a person – what are your core values?

Get back to why you went into this specialty as a healthcare professional? Think back to what made you most excited about achieving your goal of becoming a ______. Pharmacist. WHY do you want to make this change that I’m setting out to make? Where is this coming from? Is it coming from my desire to be the best version of myself? To leave a stronger legacy?

If this is coming from a place of performing for somebody else or impress somebody else? – it’s not going to stick and it’s not how I want to live my life

Step 2: Unpack

I call this the brain dump step – we need to get all those ideas and thoughts out of our heads and onto paper. I find writing out these thoughts and ideas by pen and paper is easier to see visually but if you prefer a digital method, go right ahead! Always do what works best for YOU – this is not a black/white processes my friends.

Step 3: Reduce and Simplify

Now, we all know you can’t do everything and achieve everything. Let’s apply our Less is More principle and simplify our ideas from Step 2.

Group like items together. Visualize what a day in my life will look like after I’m done implementing this change – really write down this visual and feeling you have when you’ve gotten to your end goal/destination

Step 4: Align

We have our WHY we want this to happen from Step 1 on clarifying and Step 3 on reducing and simplifying with our visualization step. HOW am I going to make this change? Reverse engineer or take the end goal and end destination and write down the steps it takes to get there. Place priorities on the HOW steps

Now let’s get to WHEN. When am I going to make this happen? How often will I work on this?

Step 5: Take Action

WHEN step – put it on your calendar to take action

I like placing this visually somewhere where I can see it and hold myself accountable. One idea is a yearly plan or quarterly plan on your office wall

Live your Goals!

See examples in your Workbook on my actual visual reminders

Step 6: Evaluate and Enjoy

Set-up an accountability system. Is this a coach, friend, spouse, or colleague who will check in and ensure you are taking action. Make sure you also place these accountability sessions on your calendar.

Take a CEO day each month to evaluate your progress on your quarterly goals.

I use my custom planner & journal to track progress on a Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Quarterly basis.

Recap on how we use the CURATE method to set goals!

  • How to take action right away?
  • How to curate a life you love?
  • How to live intentionally and joyfully each day
  • How to set goals, work on your goals and achieve them?
  • How to make a decision and lighten your mental load?

If you’re struggling right now, my coaching program offers 1:1 coaching to check-in for accountability, reflect on progress, answer and guide you through difficulties. Invest today.

Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.