Feeling Overwhelmed all the time? Do you want to scream at the amount of work you have on your plate?
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Mentioned on Ep 140: Feeling Overwhelmed all the time? Do you want to scream at the amount of work you have on your plate?
Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast! Today we are talking about how to stop feeling overwhelmed all the timeMany of you are taking action by using our complimentary Burnout Starter Kit and What If Protocol – don’t forget to download yours today! We all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.
When we think of overwhelm it can be from both external and internal pressures. It may be signaling our brain that our demands outweigh our resources. Or it may be thinking about the future and what “may” happen. If overwhelm goes on long enough, we may develop physical symptoms such as anxiety.
There is a growing number of people who are experiencing high functioning anxiety – driven, high achievers who set incredibly high standards for themselves. Maybe you fit this. Recovering perfectionist?
How do we start addressing this? We will talk one simple step to take today.
Remember, without burnout prevention strategies or what my simple 3-step Burnout Doctor Method, we may find ourselves doing nothing and withdrawing from the overwhelm we feel.
And we ALL experience overwhelm differently.
Maybe it’s too many hours at work.
A big project.
Too much laundry.
Too many toys and kids activities.
Too many meals and food planning to think about.
Bills to pay.
New eco-friendly item to research.
I’ve been there in many of these ways.
I’ve been overwhelmed when there are too many meetings on my calendar.
When there has been a big keynote speaking event and I’m worried about performing up to my best level.
When there has been too much laundry after a long vacation week away.
When there is are too many options to research and pick a new laundry detergent that is eco-friendly (aka no plastic packaging). Literally, I love the eco-friendly journey but researching and deciding what to buy is A LOT. It’s overwhelming.
And I get it. Change is uncomfortable. Thinking about the future is uncomfortable.
What is my SECRET to stopping the overwhelm.
Yes, we often feel overwhelm when we are thinking of the future, what if’ing things and have too many options to make a decision
Get into the present moment. Plant your feet on the floor, close your eyes, deep breath and feel the moment. This can literally take ONE second to do. It can take less than a minute to reset into the present moment.
After you reset to the present moment you can think about what you CAN control right here right now. We can be proactive instead of reactive to life.
Can you do one thing in this moment to help you. Can you schedule that project or laundry onto your calendar? Can you send that one email you’re overwhelmed to answer? Can you make one decision to move forward – it doesn’t need to be the perfect one, it just needs to get done.
Next, continue building up your Burnout Doctor Method strategies. You can find more on our YouTube channel, make sure to subscribe and like the videos. You can find more on the podcast and the podcast show note links.
Make sure you’re following along on our YouTube channel (youtube.com/drjessicalouie) as well with new videos going live every Saturday!
Until next time, spark joy my friends!
Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.