Answering a community member’s questions…How do you do it all?
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Mentioned on Ep 018: How do you do it all? Pharmacist work life alignment and harmony.
Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast with your host, Dr. Jessica Louie. On episode 18, we are talking about How do you do it all? This is a special coffee and questions episode to answer your questions.
Today we are enjoying coffee on my coffee and questions episode! These will be dispersed throughout the year to bring in some fun content that may be outside our focus on well-being, burnout, decluttering and simplifying.
So, grab a cup of coffee and listen in on this bonus episode.
We’re officially in month 3 of the podcast! – thank you for your help in growing our community together. If you haven’t already connected with me, I’m most active on Instagram and LinkedIn – send me a friend invite and tell me what podcast episode has been your favorite!
Question 1: How do you do it all – full-time assistant professor, 3 websites, a podcast, a YouTube channel, speaking events and workshops each month?
Simply put: I don’t.
I set boundaries and priorities. If you’ve been following on my Instagram, you notice when I take breaks during full seasons. Seasons change throughout the year. Right now, it’s fall semester – I’m teaching 5 elective courses, 2 core therapeutic courses, creating well-being breaks 4 hours a week and still taking time scholarship to focus on new research projects. This was not the same during summer time when I wasn’t teaching but I had lots of meetings and planning new initiatives for the fall.
1. Set boundaries and priorities – what is most important RIGHT NOW? This is why I highly recommend quarterly goal planning reverse engineering goals into weekly goals and then daily goals.
2. I shift my mindset from FOMO to JOMO: fear of missing out to joy of missing out. Yes, we are always going to miss out on things in life. That’s life. But how we feel about it and how we react to these situations is VERY important. We need to let go of the guilt and enjoy the present moment.
3. I recommend surrounding yourself with high-performers – this could be mean team members for you – or for me, right now, it’s amazing software that allows me to schedule out social media and emails ahead of time, batch out tasks together such as recording podcast episodes or YouTube videos. We are influenced significantly by the 5 people we spend the most time with. Choose your high-performers wisely. And sometimes, if a family member is not the uplifting person you need in your life, spend less time with him/her, don’t take their opinions seriously or don’t talk about a topic that you know may lead to conflict. Curate the relationships and tribe that you want and need in your life.
If you’re struggling right now, my coaching program offers 30-minute weekly sessions to check-in for accountability, reflect on progress, answer and guide you through difficulties. Schedule a complimentary call to see if coaching is a fit: DrJessicaLouie.com/coaching.
Until next time, spark joy my friends!
All KonMari Method Resources and Topic discussions:
- KonMari with Children // How to Go Back to School
- KonMari Before and After Photos
- Financial Well-Being Starter Kit
- How the KonMari Method goes beyond Tidying Up
- How to apply the KonMari Method to your Health
- 7 Common KonMari Mistakes, Misconceptions and Missteps
- How to get started if you quit the KonMari Method?
- Clear the Clutter Starter Kit
- What is the KonMari Method?
*If you enjoyed this topic, will you take a screenshot of this episode and share it on your Instagram stories and tag me in the post. I’ll re-share it on my own stories.If you haven’t already connected with me, I’m most active on Instagram and LinkedIn – send me a friend invite and tell me what podcast episode has been your favorite!
*Have you given our podcast a review on iTunes? Write us an honest review. This really has helped other pharmacists and healthcare professionals find this podcast, learn from it and grow our community together!
Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.