Episode 23 about how to MAKE time instead of FIND time in your day! 5 actions steps included to stop striving for time management and instead own your time!
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Mentioned on Ep 023: How to Make Time versus Find Time in your day. Stop striving for time management and instead go for time ownership. Own your time instead of being passive about finding time in your day.
Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast with Dr. Jessica Louie. On episode 23, we are talking about Making Time vs. Finding Time. We all want to live intentional and joyful lives, right? Well…trying to find time in our days is a very passive activity. Let’s shift our mindset around time management to be proactive, intentional healthcare professionals.
Have you ever asked yourself…
Where can I find more time in my day? My week?
Where did the time go?
I feel like I got nothing done today. This week.
If you feel this way, you are NOT alone. I went through this myself. I needed to shift my mindset around how I approached time ownership. I needed to take control of my life. One of our limited resources on earth is: time, energy and focus. Time is really the only resource we cannot get back or make more of.
What is the difference between Making time versus finding time?
Finding time is passive. If we wait to find time in our day or in our week, we don’t find it. Right? And we want to be problem-solving, action takers my friends. It’s time to make time for the things that are most important in your life
This is a mindset shift. We are going from time management to time ownership.
The key question, how do I want to live my life?
You get to decide this. Not society. Not your family. Not your friends. Not anyone else who thinks they have an opinion.
Ask yourself: when I’m 80 years old, what do I will and will not be important to me?
After you’ve taken time to answer these questions – yes, it may take an hour or a half day out of your life – I like to call this CEO time – you’re the Chief Executive Officer of YOUR life – not just your business. Now use the CURATE method to map out your goals. Go back to episode 7 for this step-by-step process.
Let’s Recap our times today:
- Time ownership NOT management
- Making time vs. finding time is a mindset shift
- How do I want to live my life?
- 80 years old?
- Prioritize and map out your goals
If you’re struggling with this, my coaching program offers 30-minute weekly sessions to check-in for accountability, reflect on progress, answer and guide you through difficulties. Apply now at DrJessicaLouie.com/coaching.
Until next time, spark joy my friends!
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This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.