How the enneagram affects personal growth as a pharmacist and enneagram in healthcare, enneagram tool with the KonMari Method and Joy at Work Marie Kondo Book. Enneagram tool for pharmacist burnout coaching by Dr. Jessica Louie. The Burnout Doctor Podcast episode 40

Episode 40 discusses how the Enneagram helps healthcare burnout and affects personal growth for pharmacists. We also discuss how the Enneagram is a tool for self-awareness and how it relates to the KonMari Method and Joy at Work.

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Mentioned on Episode 40: How the Enneagram helps healthcare burnout and affects personal growth for pharmacists. How the Enneagram relates to the KonMari Method and Joy at Work.

  • Enneagram Assessment with Teresa McCloy of the REALIFE Process – purchase here
  • Are you a KonMari Consultant or Coach that wants to use the Enneagram in your own teachings and practices? Teresa McCloy has an Enneagram Circles membership to help YOU get started right away. Learn more and join her Enneagram Circle here

Hi friends and welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host, Dr. Jessica Louie. Welcome to episode 40 where we are discussing how the enneagram relates to healthcare burnout and the KonMari Method today! One of the best ways to get to know yourself is to invest in personal and professional growth.

Do you agree?

For me, that included coaches over the past 5 years. I consumed free content to paid content and coaching.

For self-assessments, I invested in: Myers Briggs, Strength Finder, Find your Why, Kolbe A and the Enneagram . I have found the Enneagram to be most helpful for my personal life and the Kolbe A for my business life and Find your Why to be the first step for anyone.

That is why I want to discuss it in further detail so you can decide if you want to take this assessment yourself.

When we know ourselves – just like all the “know thyself” quotes out there – we better understand the WHY behind us, and the HOW of making intentional and joyful decisions day to day.

For those not familiar with the Enneagram, there are experts trained on these assessments, including one of my good friends Teresa McCloy of the REALIFE Method. I didn’t want to waste time taking free assessments online so I invested in a certified expert on the Enneagram to get started.

The Enneagram is one tool to use to better understand yourself and your natural tendencies. Just as the KonMari Method is not the end all be all of decluttering and transforming your life, the enneagram is also a tool.

The Enneagram is a psychological and spiritual tool – it helps us understand our authentic and adaptive patterns of behavior and how we think, feel, act and react. Teresa McCloy uses the Harmony Triad model where the enneagram demonstrates 3 centers of intelligence – the head, the heart and the body.

I found it most beneficial in showing me where I’m naturally inclined to react so I can shift this into intentional reactions and thoughts. It really is a key tool to better self-awareness. It can help us get unstuck.

I’m an Enneagram type 5. For those who also follow the Kolbe assessment, I’m a quick start.

Five is an Investigator: Analytical, detached, and private–fives are motivated by a need to gain knowledge, conserve energy, and avoid relying on others.

Fives deepest desire is to know that they are capable. They gather information in order to master particular subject matters. The inner world of ideas and analysis is safer than their own emotions or the feelings of others. They have the ability to see new and original possibilities and put them in steps and sequences. Many times fives are seen as distant and disconnected from others and have difficulty expressing their feelings.

Authentic Fives are – Objective, Focused, Perceptive, Curious, Pioneers, Systematic, Expert

Adaptive Fives are – Intellectually Arrogant, Withholding, Controlled, Cynical, Negative, Standoffish, Stingy

 How the enneagram helped me on my burnout journey:

My partner is an enneagram 9. He likes to Work hard, Rest hard. This effects how he makes decisions and contemplates worst-case scenarios. Knowing our enneagram types in our relationship has been helpful. Teresa walked us through them as a couple and worked through challenges and how to reset them now that we better understand ourselves.

Have you heard of the Enneagram? Today, I discuss how it helped me with burnout and relationships after taking a certified assessment in 2019. Plus, how the Enneagram relates to the KonMari Method and Joy at Work.

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

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Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.


How the enneagram affects personal growth as a pharmacist and enneagram in healthcare, enneagram tool with the KonMari Method and Joy at Work Marie Kondo Book. Enneagram tool for pharmacist burnout coaching by Dr. Jessica Louie. The Burnout Doctor Podcast episode 40