How to bring childhood favorites back into adulthood, how to use art therapy to calm and release tension stress, The Burnout Doctor Podcast. Finding ways to cope during quarantine pandemic. Mancala, art therapy, Yahtzee, Jenga

Episode 46: How childhood favorites reduce stress and how to bring them back into adulthood. Remember when we used to enjoy fun hobbies and games as a child? Why don’t we do this anymore? Let’s bring art therapy and other games back to help us stay calm, release tension, and reduce stress during this quarantine and pandemic.

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Mentioned on Ep 046: How childhood favorite reduce stress with art therapy, fun and laughter.

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast with your host, Dr. Jessica Louie. Today on episode 46 we are talking about how childhood favorites can reduce stress.

  1. What activities brought my JOY as a child?
  2. What activities helped calm me down and clear my mind as a child?
  3. When was the last time I tried this activity?
  4. Can I try it now as an adult and write down how I feel afterward?

Games I Reference in episode:

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Until next time, spark joy my friends!

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How to bring childhood favorites back into adulthood, how to use art therapy to calm and release tension stress, The Burnout Doctor Podcast. Finding ways to cope during quarantine pandemic. Mancala, art therapy, Yahtzee, Jenga