Episode 56: 4 Steps to a clutter free space and home.
- Pursue ultimate simplicity when storing items.
- Return things to their proper place every day.
- Thank items every time you use them.
- Take good care of each item.
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Mentioned on Ep 056: Four steps to a clutter free space and home using the KonMari Method
Storage = pursue ultimate simplicity
- Pursue ultimate simplicity when storing items. Designate a place for each item. Store all items of the same type in the same place and don’t scatter storage space
- Return things to their proper place every day. TEACH everyone in home or office space the system you have created (example: where to place new papers or mail) and hold them accountable to following the new system. Remember it takes time to form new behaviors and the time dedicated to this will be well worth it in the long term.
- Thank items every time you use them.
- Take good care of each item.
Clutter is caused by a failure to return things to where they belong. Therefore, storage should reduce the effort needed to put things away, not the effort to get them out.
If aiming for an uncluttered room, it is much more important to arrange your storage so that you can tell at a glance where everything is than to worry about the details of who does what, where and when.
Maintenance of your Simplified Space:
Do you greet your house? Consider greeting your home or office space when you walk in. You can do this out loud or say this in your head.
I say “I’m home. Thank you for being here for me every day.”
Have you created a calm sanctuary space? Do you feel your home and office is filled with energy now?
Unpack, remove tags and start using new items immediately. We need to convert items into OUR possession and removing tags shifts the item from being owned by the store to being owned by YOU.
Appreciate your possessions and gain strong allies. This helps keep items in quality condition. When you put away a physical item or piece of clothing, you could say…
“Thank you for keeping me warm all day”
“Thank you for making me feel beautiful”
“Thank you for helping keep my papers tidy this week”
Review of four Steps to a clutter free space and home:
- Pursue ultimate simplicity when storing items.
- Return things to their proper place every day.
- Thank items every time you use them.
- Take good care of each item.
After comes cleaning – thoroughly clean and start with own personal space. Remember tidying is about objects and cleaning is about dirt. Once we tidy up our objects into their proper place, we remove natural dirt that accumulates in our space by cleaning it. Tidy vs. Clean blog post & Video
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