What comes after simplifying with the KonMari Method and resetting healthcare burnout? Join us for the next step in your journey to intentional and joyful living! How Toxins affect our well-being and burnout!
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Mentioned on Ep 098: How Toxins affect our well-being and burnout!
Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Jessica Louie. On episode 98, we are talking about how toxins affect our well-being on our journey to an eco-friendly, non-toxic simplified lifestyle.
On today’s episode, we dive deeper into how toxins affect our well-being. As a board-certified critical care pharmacist, it is often overlooked how environmental toxins affect our well-being and chronic health conditions. This is a topic that is SO important to be talking about because our health is vital to our longevity. It is also near and dear to my heart because preventative care is vital in this world and not practiced well in the United States. I know, I’ve seen the results of poor preventative care with my patients ending up in the ICU, intensive care unit in the hospital.
I also know that the prolonged stress that leads to burnout today has a multitude of factors contributing to it and our overall health and well-being – and that includes environmental toxins. When we take care of our minds and bodies intentionally, we live happier and longer lives.
What do I mean by toxins affecting our well-being?
We know that environmental toxins are linked to every chronic health condition we see today. From skin problems to brain fog to autoimmune conditions to infertility, research has shown that environmental toxins play a role. And despite a lack of research on burnout specifically, we know that increased levels of stress from these toxins can contribute to our burnout.
Now, before we go into a few of the toxins, let me back up and talk about WHY this is so important in the first place. After going through resetting my burnout, simplifying my life and taking control over what I COULD control in my life, I soon realized that there was a lack of intention in the ingredients I allowed into my home through household cleaners and everyday personal care products. When I realized this and investigated the ingredients, I soon learned that the United States lags behind in regulating and restricting use of harmful chemical toxins.
It’s really unfortunate as a pharmacist to realize this. We have FDA regulations for pharmaceuticals and nutrition labels on most items in our grocery store but there is a lack of safety for our household cleaners, detergents, soaps, makeup and skincare!
Language on FDA website: “FDA’s legal authority over cosmetics is different from our authority over other products we regulate, such as drugs, biologics, and medical devices. Under the law, cosmetic products and ingredients do not need FDA premarket approval, with the exception of color additives…
Companies and individuals who manufacture or market cosmetics have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of their products. Neither the law nor FDA regulations require specific tests to demonstrate the safety of individual products or ingredients. The law also does not require cosmetic companies to share their safety information with the FDA.”
This is important because unless we limit exposure to environmental toxins, we will not truly heal our minds and bodies from stress and burnout.
If you don’t believe me, simply look up European Restrictions versus United States restrictions on chemical toxins in cosmetics. The EU has banned or restricted nearly 1,300 chemicals while the United States has addressed less than 20. Another example of where we’ve been behind in the US? Lead-based paint was banned in much of Europe before the second world war. It took the US until 1978 to ban it.
Now, another reason this is SO important is because of the innovative marketing this is being done to foul you into thinking something is “natural” or “green”. Just because something is labeled this way does NOT mean it is non-toxic or safe for you.
Let’s get into some toxins affecting our well-being. This is a short list to start your foundation with:
PHTHALATES: These are often used to soften plastics and in fragranced products. The CDC has measured metabolites of phthalates in 98% of people tested.
Linked to: reproductive problems, cancers, respiratory problems, weight problems.
Found in: candles, air refreshers, personal care items, household cleaners
ORGANOPHOSPATE PESTICIDES: Organophosphate pesticides are some of the most widely used in the world and are sprayed on food crops, golf courses, parks, and lawns. Metabolites of a single Organophosphate pesticide, chlorpyrifos, was measured in 93% of people tested by the CDC.
Linked to: gastrointestinal problems, reproductive problems, chronic fatigue, behaviorial problems.
Found in: conventionally grown produce, veterinary products, farmed seafood
Perfluorinated chemicals: Perfluorinated compounds or PFCs/PFAS chemicals used to make products stick & stain resistant. They are also increasingly found in widespread drinking water contamination. These chemicals are extremely persistent; they have a half-life in the body of 3-8 years, and forever in the environment.
Linked to: respiratory problems, endocrine disruption, cancers
Found in: non-stick cookware, stain resistant treatments, dental floss, rain proof clothing
VOC’S: Volatile Organic Chemicals, or VOC’s are compounds that are emitted as gasses and easily evaporate at room temperature. Levels of VOCs inside our homes can be 10x higher than outdoor air. VOC’s are released from building materials, furniture, paints, varnishes, and household cleaners.
Linked to: neurological issues, insomnia, behavioral problems, endocrine disruption, cancers
Found in: fragranced items, household cleaners, particle board MDF, paints, cosmetics, art supplies
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