Do finances impact feelings of burnout? Should I get my financial well-being in order to help combat burnout? Find out in this video + stay to the end to learn how I found 7 streams of income.

Hi, I’m Jessica and I love talking about financial freedom after experiencing burnout early in my pharmacist career. We talk passive income and simplifying on this channel to combat stress and burnout. If you haven’t seen my burnout story or our debt-free journey while in residency/fellowship, please click those video links below.

First question, do finances impact feelings of burnout?

YES, I think they do. One characteristic of burnout is exhaustion.

I was exhausted. One symptom of burnout syndrome.

One reason was picking up extra shifts to work in the hospital, working holidays to get extra pay and feeling like I need to continue residency hours 60-70 hours a week.

What was my financial situation at the time of burnout?

I had student loan debt. I did not have a large savings account. I felt trapped.

This is the same as many of my clients: feeling trapped. I needed my full-time job as a pharmacist to feel financial well. I think when we are in a poor financial situation it can contribute to more burnout and cynicism in our lives. Knowing our financial situation and putting together a plan helps. No, you do not need to be debt free to help feelings of burnout. While resetting and working on my burnout situation, I paid off my student loan debt.

I no longer felt trapped.

I wasn’t tied to a job just because of the paycheck.

I’ll be outlining how I went debt-free and saved 6-figures in a separate video, watch below.

First thing, I used the Kakeibo method to help me. There are details and free workbook on my website to see if this method will help you as well.

Next, I decided to follow those who succeeded before me. When we look at billionaires and successful financial people we find that they have on average 7 streams of income

Yes, I said SEVEN

So, I decided to diversity my income streams. If you’re feeling exhausted and burned out, don’t let feelings of being trapped make it even worse.

Make a plan

I didn’t suddenly create 6 new income streams in addition to my full-time position. I added a per-diem pharmacist position. Through the decluttering process I learned how to effectively sell items that no longer sparked joy – I teach my students how to do this through my Simplify Course as well in how to re-sell, recycle, repurpose or reuse physical items in your home.

Then I turned my blogging hobby into a small business

Affiliate income:

Digital products:

Coaching programs:

Online courses & workshops:

Keynote speaker:

There are SO many ways to address financial well-being so it does not affect your burnout situation. All of us have unique skillsets. And those skillsets may align with value provided and someone’s willingness to pay for that value or product. Start slow and know your why behind it.

Now it’s your turn to take action. Share with me how finances are affecting your feelings of overwhelm and burnout.