Do you ever feel like quitting your simplifying journey? Quitting the KonMari Method? Find out 4 ways to get unstuck from these feelings today!
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Mentioned on Ep 104: Feel like quitting your simplifying journey or feel like quitting the KonMari Method?
Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Jessica Louie. Thank you for your feedback on our last episode about the addressing the reality of clutter. So many of you reached out and resonated with these fears. Remember, we all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.
As a Master-Level Certified KonMari Consultant, I understand the challenges in feeling like just giving up and quitting your simplifying journey. It seems daunting and overwhelming. After my work with many clients, I’m addressing WHAT to do when you feel like quitting your own simplifying journey.
4 Things to Do when you Feel Like Quitting the KonMari Method:
ONE: Go back to your Ideal Lifestyle. Before you started your simplifying journey or your KonMari Method journey, you set-up your ideal lifestyle. Now, if you skipped this step, go back and do it now! Often times, we get stuck because we do not see the BIG PICTURE. How will this change affect our daily lives? How will we feel after this change? If these questions are not answered – written down and said aloud – we often let feelings of overwhelm interfere with our journey. Be specific when we answer these questions.
TWO: We are Choosing what to KEEP not what do DISCARD. This is an important concept that is part of the KonMari Method. Focusing on what we will discard emphasizes a negative perspective. I talk in-depth on this concept in Episode 58.
THREE: Confidence. Often times we lack confidence in our own abilities. We HOLD OURSELVES back from progressing and growing in life. We aren’t born with confidence. We build up our confidence in simplifying. In knowing what brings us joy and what does not. Build confidence slowly and consistently through your simplifying journey and the KonMari Method. Here’s a simple way to build confidence:
- If an item sparks joy, keep it with confidence, honor and store it.
- If an item does not spark joy, let it go with gratitude and the learning experience it taught you.
- If an item is a maybe at sparking joy, keep it with confidence for now. This is what many people call the gray-zone. Put it into the yes zone for now and use it. If you change your mind later, no big deal! Our lives ebb and flow and our confidence in our decision-making skills grow with time.
FOUR: Schedule it. This is the most common reason I see my clients struggle with simplifying or making a change in their lives. They forget to schedule it on their calendar and KEEP that appointment with themselves. I talk in depth about this in how we MAKE time versus FIND time in our lives. We keep ourselves accountable to keeping an appointment with ourselves just like we keep appointments with our doctors, hair stylists and family members. We keep the appointment with ourselves.
This also goes into scheduling things for accountability and having an accountability partner along with you on the journey.
Have you been on the fence about pharmacist burnout coaching lately? Work with Me!
Until next time, spark joy my friends!
Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.