Choosing what to discard is very different from choosing what sparks joy. How to apply decluttering, simplifying and the KonMari Method with a positive mindset versus negative mindset towards living with less. Simplicity and simple living for healthcare families. Pharmacist burnout. Healthcare burnout coaching.

Episode 58: Choosing what to Discard is VERY different from Choosing what Sparks Joy. Shifting your mindset from a negative mindset to a positive mindset when simplifying and decluttering. A positive mindset while decluttering to ensure longterm effects of the KonMari Method and simplifying in your healthcare family. 

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Mentioned on Ep 058: Choosing what to discard is NOT the same as Choosing what sparks joy. How to declutter, simplify and KonMari your life from a positive mindset versus a negative mindset. A positive mindset while decluttering while bring longterm effects.

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, episode 58, where we’re talking about simplifying and decluttering – how choosing what to discard is very different from choosing what sparks joy. Thank you for the feedback on crisis habits during the pandemic and how to reset them in last week’s episode. Many of you reached out and told me that you have also fallen into a habit that is not serving you. Taking the simple 4 steps to acknowledge it, let go with an action step, re-assess your feelings and journal about it really helped you over the past week. Remember, we all write our own stories in our lives and homes. So make sure you’re not passively listening to this or other podcasts.

In today’s episode we’re discussing a VERY common challenge I hear from many in our community and clients who come to me asking for coaching. The all mighty question – do I ask what sparks joy or do I ask what can I get rid of today?

Before we dive into the difference between choosing what to discard and choosing what sparks joy, let’s take a step back. Many of us value or well-being and health, right? We do things in our lives to ensure we are supporting our bodies and our minds to stay healthy. Using this topic as an example, do you think that not being sick is the same as being healthy? Let me repeat that, is not being sick the same as being healthy?

No, it’s not.

Applied to simplifying and the KonMari Method, not liking something is not the same as choosing things that spark joy.

Don’t believe this analogy? Let me offer two more examples.

Do you think not being poor is the same as being rich?

Do you think not being sad is the same as being happy?

No, they are not the same.

From the perspective of psychology, choosing what sparks joy is focusing on the positive aspects of things we own. Choosing what to discard is to focus on the negative.

Yes, research shows that negative emotions have a more powerful impact on us and our thoughts versus positive emotions. A study has even shown that after examining 558 words for emotion in the English language, 62% were negative and only 38% were positive. Many of the most used emotion words are: sadness, anger and fear.

Our human brains are not naturally wired to think positive thoughts. We weight negative emotions and experiences greater than positive experiences.

If we focus on the negative when we discard, we’ll only let go of things we don’t like. We won’t necessarily keep things we love or bring us joy.

Focusing on discarding often leads to a lack of enjoyment for tidying and simplifying. I see this very often in our community and clients who come to me. They feel overwhelmed and don’t want to even get started with simplifying and decluttering because it’s never been a positive experience in their lives. They only remember discarding more and more and the situation never improving in their lives. Many clients who come to me who tell me the KonMari Method didn’t work actually focused on how much can I get rid of and discard and therefore, never fully implemented a positive experience and a lifelong change in mindset and habits. They rebound into clutter again because when new items are brought into the home, they are not asking does this spark joy (bring me joy) but instead are not asking at all – they are rebounding into accumulating from previous habits of coping from stress, burnout or other reasons for impulse shopping. Well…always focusing on the negative, always thinking you have too much and never feeling a sense of calm in your space will lead to a negative experience.

What we think, we become. What we feel, we attract. What we say, becomes reality.

So, saying this item sparks joy…or brings me joy and calm…or I love this item = reality that we love and feel joy in this space.

Compare this to saying…this item is trash…or get rid of this…I have too much so throw it away = reality that we surround ourselves with junk and we take a band-aid approach to letting go of items out of a desire to own less. Instead of owning less things but things that bring us joy.

Choose what sparks joy. Lead with positivity my friends.

If you’re struggling with this, I’m offering a cost-effective way to work together for accountability. My coaching program now offers 30-minute weekly sessions to check-in for accountability, reflect on progress, answer and guide you through difficulties. Apply now at

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

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Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.


Choosing what to discard is very different from choosing what sparks joy. How to apply decluttering, simplifying and the KonMari Method with a positive mindset versus negative mindset towards living with less. Simplicity and simple living for healthcare families. Pharmacist burnout. Healthcare burnout coaching.