Who’s made mistakes? I know I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life. Find out my 5 money mistakes that I wish I knew in my 20s. Find out the biggest mistake so you don’t make it too.


Hi, I’m Jessica and I love talking about financial freedom after experiencing burnout early in my pharmacist career. We talk passive income and simplifying on this channel to combat stress and burnout. If you haven’t seen my burnout story or our debt-free journey while in residency/fellowship, please click those video links below.

Money Mistake 1

Did not contribute to Roth IRA as teenager and in my twenties when working part-time jobs.

Money Mistake 2

Did not max out employer match in work 401(k) as a pharmacist resident.

Money Mistake 3

Kept too much money in cash instead of using money to invest into taxable brokerage account. Keeping more than 12 months of expenses is excessive in most times.

Money Mistake 4

Spent money on frivolous items or luxury goods that did not add significant value to my life.

Money Mistake 5

Relied on ONE income stream for too long.

Biggest Money Mistake?

Kept too much money in cash for too long.

Watch more financial independence retire early (FIRE) videos on our YouTube Channel Today!


FREE Podcast and Burnout Kit: https://drjessicalouie.com/podcast

FREE Financial Starter Kit: https://drjessicalouie.com/kakeibo/

Pharmacy Resources: https://www.findyourscript.com/shop/

Capsule Wardrobes: https://www.petitestylescript.com/shop/

LISTEN TODAY: https://drjessicalouie.com/podcast/


How I’ll Retire Early // Financial Independence Retire Early as a Pharmacist:

How we Paid off $380,000+ in MEDICAL and PHARMACY student loan debt AS FAST AS POSSIBLE using the KAKEIBO Method: 

Passive Income Ideas Video: https://youtu.be/PE9-TiFOm80

7+ Income Streams: https://youtu.be/9ruhNsBy9Kc

Money Traps to Avoid in your 20s: https://youtu.be/SD0OsCWbxzM