The Burnout Doctor Podcast Celebrating 100 episodes with Dr. Jessica Louie. Pharmacist burnout coaching help. Pharmacist simplifying KonMari Method help. Well-being, stress, decluttering. 5 questions to ask yourself to reflect on big milestones and goal achievement.

It’s celebration time! We hit 100 episodes on the podcast! We are reflecting and asking 5 questions when we hit big milestones in our lives!

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Mentioned on Ep 100: Celebrating 100 episodes and 5 questions to reflect on big milestones and goals achieved!

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Jessica Louie. We are celebrating 100 episodes on our podcast today! I’m SO excited to celebrate with all of you because without YOU, we wouldn’t be here today! So, today’s episode is a reflection of what the past 100 episodes, advice on how to reflect on big milestones like this one and where we are going! Remember, we all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.

Today is December 17, 2020 and Episode 100 of The Burnout Doctor Podcast. Looking back, this podcast started on July 8, 2019 and it’s been a wonderful journey together over the past 1.5 years! Let’s get into reflecting on this big milestone!

Just like any goal we set, I like to celebrate reaching our goals and then add in some intentional reflection. The first question I ask myself is:

How does it feel to reach this milestone?

Honestly, it feels amazing. There were times I seriously doubted I would make it to episode 100. I knew there were so many topics I wanted to share with all of you on each episode but that didn’t prevent writers block some late nights!

What brought you joy during this journey?

YOU! My listeners! Tuning in each Thursday and sending me emails and direct messages on what episodes really touched you, the story that resonated with you and the reviews that you shared of the content. It has touched my heart to hear that my story has reached into your home and made a difference in your life. This is what brings me joy daily.

What was something that was difficult on this journey to episode 100?

Honestly, sometimes it was challenging to get an episode out for the week. I knew I had a topic in mind, but there were times when I didn’t batch out my content and had not planned weeks ahead. I would up on Wednesday night recording, editing, uploading and doing the graphics for a Thursday 5am release! You may not have seen all the behind-the-scenes of this but it was there…several weeks over the past 1.5 years. Although difficult, I was able to get a new episode out every single week except 2 in the 1.5 years on the podcast!

What are you most proud of on this journey?

I’m most proud of Pharmacist Month Stories on the podcast in October 2020. This was one of the largest campaigns I took on that sprouted from an idea in late August 2020. I wanted to feature unique pharmacist career paths and their own simplifying or burnout stories on the podcast for American Pharmacist Month in October. I gathered together 27 pharmacists and published an episode every day during October and it honestly, was the best experience and something I hope helps so many fellow pharmacists, residents and students.

I would also like to highlight a few episodes that have been favorites of you as listeners. The top one is our series on Financial Well-being and Episodes 34-37. I’ve had so many amazing stories shared with me after listening to this series that I will be bringing back a new version of it in the future to share our payoff of $300,000+ debt story with all of you.

The first 8 episodes are definitely some of the most popular that outline burnout and allow you to apply the concepts in our FREE Podcast Workbook. I highly recommend going back to these if you missed them and making sure you have the free workbook to take action.

Our recent episodes on what comes after simplifying and burnout are getting lots of great response as we shift towards eco-friendly, non-toxic lifestyles. I cannot wait to share more about this in 2021 as well.

What would you change on this journey to episode 100?

The concepts in episode 1 are still part of this podcast and in my values for this podcast. The WHY, HOW and WHAT are continuing to bring my joy and stay with this podcast. There will be a few things I will be changing. First, I would like more involvement from you as a listener to get your questions answered. This means being more intentional to create Coffee & Answer Podcast episodes to address your questions. The second, is a technical change where I will be changing how I post the podcast to my website with the URL. It will still be easy to find on my website or your podcast app but it won’t end in podcast99 anymore. Third, I will be adding videos content via YouTube to supplement some of these topics and discussions together!

Those are the 5 questions I ask on the way to BIG MILESTONES in life!

THANK YOU for helping me reach this milestone of 100 episodes on The Burnout Doctor Podcast! I look forward to providing useful content and resources to all of you in the next 100 episodes together!

I dive deeper into each of these types of clutter in our FREE Workshop on cultivating JOY AT WORK. Watch the free workshop instantly!

Have you been on the fence about coaching lately? Don’t know if it’s the right decision? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me to see if coaching is a fit for you. I look forward to talking soon!

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

*If you enjoyed this topic, will you take a screenshot of this episode and share it on your Instagram stories and tag me in the post. I’ll re-share it on my own stories. If you haven’t already connected with me, I’m most active on Instagram and LinkedIn – send me a friend invite and tell me what podcast episode has been your favorite!

*Have you given our podcast a review on iTunes? Write us an honest review. This really has helped other pharmacists and healthcare professionals find this podcast, learn from it and grow our community together!

Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.

The Burnout Doctor Podcast Celebrating 100 episodes with Dr. Jessica Louie. Pharmacist burnout coaching help. Pharmacist simplifying KonMari Method help. Well-being, stress, decluttering. 5 questions to ask yourself to reflect on big milestones and goal achievement.