Shift from work-life balance to work-life alignment and integration. The Burnout Doctor Podcast by Dr. Jessica Louie, Pharmacist burnout coach and declutter coaching, KonMari Method consultant Los Angeles, #resetburnout in healthcare

Episode 24 is about how to focus on work-life alignment vs. work-life balance. Striving for work-life balance will always leave us disappointed and feeling like a failure. How to shift this mindset with a new strategy. Action steps included.

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Mentioned on Ep 024: Why should we focus on work-life ALIGNMENT instead of work-life balance. Striving for work-life balance will always leave us disappointed.


Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Jessica Louie. This is episode 24 of the podcast, work-life balance vs. work-life alignment. We’re officially in month 3 of the podcast! – thank you for your help in growing our community together. If you haven’t already connected with me, I’m most active on LinkedIn.

Finally, remember if you have not already downloaded the podcast exclusive workbook – it’s FREE to download! It includes 9 action items and bonus content! No passive listening my friends.

 The BIG mistake we make when focusing on achieving work life balance = thinking of balance in terms of evenly distributed hours.

Why is this a mistake to focus on work life balance?

It creates a Tug of War if looking at work life balance.

Mindset Shift: aligning our work into our lives means gaining clarity of your purpose, values and goals. This creates a meaningful life. Focusing on what matters most to you.

Strategy to achieve work life alignment (instead of balance):

First, Measure major areas of your life – free in Podcast exclusive workbook and in my Clarify Simplify Align Quarterly Planner Journal.

Second, Ensure work is engaging and meaningful. Does work align with your WHY/HOWs because you’ll always feel out of balance if work is not aligned. I recommend listening to Podcast episode 10 about not defining yourself by your job title or career

Third, Focus on generating energy. How do we decrease the mental clutter that is consuming our brain’s energy. We simplify your mind – episode 21 about how to stop feeling overwhelmed at work walks you through this action step.

Remember, our philosophy is our unique Clarify simplify align method. Align is last step in our method. We Align WORK into your life. Not the other way around (like so many people think and do). To do this, we must Be proactive not reactive to life. Your life is not your work.

When you’re on your death bed, you will not say I wish I had worked more???

I won’t be saying that. Because living with intention means living for the legacy we want without regrets in life.

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

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Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.


Shift from work-life balance to work-life alignment and integration. The Burnout Doctor Podcast by Dr. Jessica Louie, Pharmacist burnout coach and declutter coaching, KonMari Method consultant Los Angeles, #resetburnout in healthcare