How to set intention into holiday season, prevent holiday burnout, How to make time instead of find time in your day. The Burnout Doctor Podcast by Dr. Jessica Louie, Pharmacist burnout coach and declutter coaching, KonMari Method consultant Los Angeles, #resetburnout in healthcare

Episode 25 is about how to set up your holiday intentions to avoid burnout and overwhelm this season. Action steps included + holiday gift guides linked below for women, men, healthcare professionals, stocking stuffers, and more!

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Mentioned on Ep 025: How to set intention into the holiday season so we can bring JOY into this season of life (and continue financial freedom and debt-free living)

All my Holiday Gift Guides!

The Burnout Doctor Podcast Episodes I Reference in this episode:

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast with Dr. Jessica Louie. On episode 25, we are talking about holiday intentions to prevent burnout and stay debt-free!

Why do we need to be intentional during the holiday season? Because as many of you, we are incentivized to volunteer for overtime or extra pay for holiday work and although enticing, this extra pay may not align with your values

I personally fell into this trap as an intern pharmacist and pharmacist. I volunteered for most holidays. It was time and half pay.

I also have family members and friends who are asked to do more and more – 24 hour call following immediately by a day in the clinic leading up to the holiday season. Who wants to be working for 32+ hours straight?

How do we change this?

First, we set intention into our holiday season. We get clear out how we OWN our time during the holiday season. We continue to stick to our work-life alignment boundaries.

Second, we use the Clarify Simplify Align planner journal to see where our values lie. You can get your own planner here.

Third, we align align our values with our hearts.

For my partner and I that meant sitting down, knowing he moonlights a LOT for his medical field and saying we are committing time for holidays with each other and with family. The result? He is moonlighting all other days of the month besides the holidays.

In addition, in order to ensure we continue on our debt-free journey (from $300K+ student loan debt), we set intention into how we gift give without adding clutter to other people’s lives. We prefer to gift give experiences instead of stuff. We also don’t have a large budget for gifts. Holidays are for spending TIME with loved ones and friends. Creating a culture where holidays are all about the gifts does not align with my values – consumeristic behavior creates waste, hurts the environment and creates greed over a giving behavior.

Questions to ask yourself to set intention into the holiday season:

What commitments are you planning to attend this holiday season?

What holiday decorations do you store (take up room) and you use each season?

How will you approach holiday gift giving this season?

If you’re struggling with this, my coaching program offers 30-minute weekly sessions to check-in for accountability, reflect on progress, answer and guide you through difficulties. Apply now at

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

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Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.


How to set intention into holiday season, prevent holiday burnout, How to make time instead of find time in your day. The Burnout Doctor Podcast by Dr. Jessica Louie, Pharmacist burnout coach and declutter coaching, KonMari Method consultant Los Angeles, #resetburnout in healthcare