Episode 57: Crisis Habits and How to Reset them during a Pandemic. During the pandemic, we may be forming crisis habits that are NOT serving us. How do we reset these crisis habits simply? 4 simple steps discussed in today’s podcast episode so you live a life that serves YOU.
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Mentioned on Ep 057: Crisis Habits during COVID-19 pandemic and How to Reset Them for Healthcare Professionals
Welcome back to the Podcast, episode 57 where we’re talking Crisis Habits and what is happening in today’s world. Thank you for the feedback on clutter free space in last week’s episode. Many of you reached out and told me that after decluttering, you forgot about these simple maintenance and storage tips and have reset them over the past few days. I love hearing that you’re fine tuning your spaces and making them work for you and your families. We all write our own stories in our lives and homes.
Today’s episode will be short talking about our current state of the world. Many of you in the community have reached out for advice handling the pandemic, re-instated restrictions and lockdowns in your areas of the United States. During this time, many of us may have fallen into crisis habits that do not serve us.
For example, when we are at home, it’s easier to reach for something in excess. Some of you have reached out telling me you’re not sleeping so you’re reaching for more and more coffee during the day. Some of you have told me that watching so much news is causing negativity thoughts throughout the day.
I’m with you. These are habits were forming in crisis and the first step in resetting them is to acknowledge we are doing them.
Since the pandemic started, I acknowledge I am consuming too much news. Before the pandemic, I actually didn’t watch any news on tv or read it on the internet. I had simplified that part of my life a few years ago and let go of news consumption. I got my summary of news from a family member daily so I didn’t need to consume all the negativity and fear-mongering that goes with it in the news. During the pandemic, I fell into this habit of consuming the news after breakfast or after lunch and after dinner every single day. I watched the number rise of infections and deaths. I watched the politics unfold. It left me with a lot of mental clutter that didn’t serve me.
First step, I acknowledged I was forming a crisis habit that did not serve me. Second step, I let go of this habit and went back to my previous form of news consumption- a simple summary from a family member. If I want more information after this summary, I go online in an intentional way to read more about the topic.
Maybe you have started sleeping less and consuming more caffeine because the coffee pot is always fill. Acknowledge it. Let go of this habit with an action step. Can you set the pot to only dispense one cup at a time instead of a full pot that tempts you? Do you want to change to a tea that is more balanced in caffeine instead of coffee?
Acknowledge it. Let go with an action step. Re-assess how you’re feeling after a few days. Journal these feelings out. Repeat this for other habits that are not serving you and adjust to fit YOUR life. We are all writing our own stories in life. Write yours the way that serves you best.
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