3 steps to make decisions confidently as an action-taking, problem solving healthcare professional. Pharmacist burnout help and coaching. Healthcare burnout coaching. Simplify life as healthcare family. The Burnout Doctor Podcast

3 Steps to make decisions confidently as an action-taking, problem solving healthcare professional!

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Mentioned on Ep 061: 3 Steps to make decisions confidently as an action-taking, problem solving healthcare professional!

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, episode 61, where we are talking about how to make decisions as an action-taking, problem solving professional. Yes, I understand how paralyzing decisions can be. Thank you for the feedback on last week’s episode on WHY we DON’T need to be available 24/7 for our work or for our family. So many of you engaged in our LinkedIn discussion and sent me messages about letting go of the always on mode and doing what matters most. Remember, we all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.

On today’s episode, we are talking about how to make decisions as an action-taker. I’ve heard from many of you in our community that taking action and finalizing a decision has been especially difficult right now. There are too many choices! From deciding how to coordinate work schedules with children at home or how to decide if children should be homeschooled or sent back in person to how to go part-time right now or change jobs. The decisions are endless.

I too used to struggle with making a decision. I agonized over it. I lost sleep over it. I asked multiple people about their opinion. Now, I’ve simplified my process decision-making process so I can be action-taking, problem solving professional.

What is my decision making process?

  1. When we know our WHY and core values, we can make decisions that align with them
  2. Acknowledge there is no wrong decision
  3. Set a decision deadline

First, I recognize what my WHY/purpose in life is and my HOW or core values are. I then make decisions that align with these purpose and core values. This simplifies the decision making process tremendously. And honestly, I waited WAY too long to get clear on these two statements in my life. Now, I can use them daily. If you’re not familiar with this process, it’s one part of my Clarify Step in my Clarify Simplify Align method. We go through exercises to gain clarity on what your WHY and core value statements are in just one to two coaching sessions!

Second, we acknowledge there is no wrong decision. Yes, we let go of the guilt of making a “wrong” decision and simply make the decision. And then, we are free to change our minds. Yes, I said we are free to change our minds. Don’t believe me? Go back to episode 59 on how it’s OK to change your mind.

Third, we set a decision deadline. Without a clear timeframe, it is difficult for our human brains to finalize a decision. Yep, that is why we set deadlines in real-life. Maybe you had a deadline for deciding on what college or graduate school to attend. Or a deadline to sign a contract for a job. You probably see deadlines all the time for purchasing physical items or services during a limited time offer or sale. Our brains need this timeframe. I put deadlines on my clients to make decisions so we do not get stuck in the “maybe” category. A clear yes or no helps everyone. From coach to company owner to parent.

Now, if you’re really struggling, here is a bonus tip. I do not recommend doing this all the time because our first three steps are very effective. Do you know when you have a gut feeling about something? Sometimes we need to follow it even if it’s scary. So, you can flip a coin and when the coin is in the air, what is the gut feeling you feel about “Oh I hope it lands on…”.  

Have you been on the fence about coaching lately? Don’t know if it’s the right decision? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me to see if coaching is a fit for you. I look forward to talking soon!

Don’t forget that our workshop with Idenati is available next Thursday afternoon. Sign up today!

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

*If you enjoyed this topic, will you take a screenshot of this episode and share it on your Instagram stories and tag me in the post. I’ll re-share it on my own stories.If you haven’t already connected with me, I’m most active on Instagram and LinkedIn – send me a friend invite and tell me what podcast episode has been your favorite!

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Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.


3 steps to make decisions confidently as an action-taking, problem solving healthcare professional. Pharmacist burnout help and coaching. Healthcare burnout coaching. Simplify life as healthcare family. The Burnout Doctor Podcast