What comes after simplifying with the KonMari Method and resetting healthcare burnout? Join us for the next step in your journey to intentional and joyful living!
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Mentioned on Ep 096: What comes after Simplifying and Resetting Healthcare Burnout?
Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Jessica Louie. On episode 96, we are talking about what comes after simplifying and resetting burnout. Thank you for your feedback on our previous episode 95 talking about clutter free gifts as we head into the holiday season. I love hearing your own gift ideas for experiences and consumable items. Remember, we all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.
On today’s episode, we are talking about a topic that many of you ask me about – what happens after I’ve addressed my burnout and gone through my simplifying or decluttering journey with the KonMari Method?
First of all, let me pause and say congratulations for taking action to address your feelings of burnout and clutter in your life. That is a life event to celebrate. And thank you for investing in yourself either by coaching with me, finding another coach or therapist to help you through your situation.
Since experiencing burnout in 2015, simplifying and decluttering my life with the KonMari Method, and forming my Clarify Simplify Align framework, I’ve often reflected on what comes next. In my opinion, this is a great time to start getting intentional with other areas of your life. In our framework, that means aligning work INTO your life and not the other way around. But, I’m not going to get into all those details today. Instead, I’m talking about getting intentional with EVERYTHING we bring into our homes from a physical clutter perspective.
We’ve decluttered and simplified and now it’s time to look at the actual items that we use in everyday life. We ensured that in our Komono category (miscellaneous category) that our cleaners, skincare, pots and pans, and makeup were all within date and we were using. Now, that’s take that a step further:
- What are the ingredients in these items?
- How are these items affecting our well-being and health?
- How are we living a life that slows down climate change and global warming?
- How do we live a life that reduces landfill accumulation?
For me, that meant taking a deeper look into how we treat the planet and what household products I bring into my home. Let’s briefly start with climate change.
We all know that the physical clutter that we let go of and are now being intentional about doesn’t just include our furniture, books, clothing and office supplies. It also means single-use items that could end up in a landfill one day. I’m talking about our typical way of being a throwaway type of society. From single-use plastic bottles to single-use paper towel, napkins, straws, cups and paper.
The next step for me was taking a hard look at my use of these single-use items and slowly converting them over to reusable and sustainable products. More on this in upcoming podcast episodes.
After looking at how we treat our planet, I also started to take a closer look at the ingredients in products in my home. This meant looking at household cleaners, skincare products, and makeup products. And I was SHOCKED at the what I found! When I went down the rabbit hole of consuming research on these ingredients I soon found that the European Union had banned many of the ingredients found in U.S. products while the FDA here in the U.S. had not taken action to restrict these ingredients. These ranged from my cleaner for countertops, to mirrors, to dish soap, hand soap, laundry detergent, laundry dryer sheets, degreasers and more!
When I realized how these products could affect health and well-being I dove deeper. I looked at everyday products in my skincare routine, haircare routine, makeup, personal hygiene items such as deodorant and the list went on.
Initially, I will admit, it was overwhelming to realize I was not being and intentional consumer of these products. I prided myself on the transformation I made in the other aspects of my life and I had completely missed these.
It may have been overwhelming at first, but first acknowledging that now that I know better, I can do better. Simplifying and resetting burnout was a journey. It was now time to turn my focus to eco-friendly, non-toxic living. And this is what I did starting in August 2019.
Yes, it’s been almost 1.5 years since the start of my own journey. Through it I’ve learned a lot and now I’m finally comfortable sharing it with you here.
Through my 1.5 years of finding the next steps after simplifying and burnout, I’ve realized that
- It’s overwhelming the number of companies that are “natural” or “green”
- It’s very time consuming to research each company for the one product they offer
- It’s uncomfortable to change – I had been using the same haircare line for 25+ years, skincare line for about 5 years and cleaning products were the ones my mom used and she cleaned houses for a living while I grew up so it was VERY UNCOMFORTABLE to change to new brands
- Like simplifying and resetting burnout, the transition to eco-friendly, non-toxic living does NOT happen overnight. It’s a process just like the burnout and simplifying journey. We don’t throw out all the old and go out and buy new. It’s not realistic financially.
- I’ve slowly switched over in my home. And it’s saving for certain items, experimenting with what works and being open to change.
Through this journey, I’ve found that simplifying the transition has helped. That is why I have decided to go with ONE primary company to help me on this journey. The company has a Seed to Seal promise, high-quality products backed by quality, lab testing and a proven track record. If you’re interested in learning more, head over here for an introduction on my Instagram account dedicated to this topic, @Clarify.Simplify.Align.
I’m going to be talking more about ditching and switching to eco-friendly, non-toxic products coming up on the podcast. Will you join me in this journey?
I dive deeper into each of these types of clutter in our FREE Workshop on cultivating JOY AT WORK. Watch the free workshop instantly!
Have you been on the fence about coaching lately? Don’t know if it’s the right decision? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me to see if coaching is a fit for you. I look forward to talking soon!
Until next time, spark joy my friends!
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This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.