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Are you owning your life or is life owning you? Are you in the driver’s seat every single day of your life and your life decisions? Let’s talk about this today and how to take control as the CEO of your life.
Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Jessica Louie. Today, we are talking about how to be the CEO of your own life. Thank you for sharing your action steps from our last episode on how to make money from home and celebrating 3 years on the podcast. Many of you are taking action by using our complimentary Burnout Starter Kit and Financial Freedom Kit – don’t forget to download yours today! We all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.
I often talk to clients about being the CEO of your own life. The Chief Executive Officer. Sometimes, I get confused stares back at me when I say this.
How we go about each of our lives is not that much different from how a company is run. Each of our lives has the potential for success and joy or heartache and negativity depending upon how it is managed.
If you choose to take the leadership role – the director’s seat – the CEO- yes it can be intimidating, challenging, daunting or frightening because if success is not attained, the responsibility is yours to bear. However, if success is attained, we jump for joy and congratulate ourselves.
So, be the CEO of your life. Apply these steps to get started using the Burnout Doctor Method.
Define your WHY / Vision – enroll in our online courses or 1:1 coaching for further help on clarifying this.
Take Action
Audit your Life – go back and listen to our episode on how to Set Up your Week for Success with the Weekly Joy Check.
Seek Self-Approval instead of approval from others.
Care for your Body each Day – in order to do our best, we must take care of our bodies. That means our health…our well-being. Internal systems. This can be simple if we decide to make it simple. Move our bodies. Eat real foods. Have routines (go back to previous episodes 107/127 on this). Practice mental health techniques (affirmations, meditation). Wear SPF.
Master the Power of Money – most of us start out with little. What we earn and what we are given to build our own financial well-being or financial foundation can determine our success in the longterm.
Redefine Failure
Get help with decision fatigue with our Digital Decluttering Workshops.
In my Joy at Work Course, you can get even more advice and action steps on how to make decisions with confidence and how to say no with confidence.
Make sure you’re following along on our YouTube channel (youtube.com/drjessicalouie) as well with new videos going live every Saturday!
Until next time, spark joy my friends!
Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.