Common KonMari Mistakes, Misconceptions and Missteps from a Certified KonMari Consultant Pasadena Los Angeles Utah Wisconsin. Dr. Jessica Louie of Clarify Simplify Align, Life Coach to an Intentional and Joyful Life.

7 Common KonMari Mistakes, Misconceptions & Missteps

Are you working through the KonMari Method? Here are 7 Common KonMari Mistakes, Misconceptions and Missteps I see readers make all the time.

Learn from them now so you don’t make the same KonMari mistakes!

Listen to the podcast: 
Episode 12 on What is the KonMari Method?
Episode 13 on Decluttering 101: How to Start
Episode 20 on How to Stay Positive when Life Knocks you Down

This short video is posted on this topic if you prefer watching/listening instead of reading!