You have decluttered your home and are now ready to change the rest of your life. Today, I bring information on financial well-being.

Japanese Kakeibo art of saving money free download, Financial freedom mini-course declutter and KonMari your finances and money and go-debt free today!

Podcast Episodes on our Financial Well-being Series:
Episode 34 on How Finances affect Burnout
Episode 35 on What is the Japanese Kakeibo Method?
Episode 36 on How to Mindfully Shop
Episode 37 on 5 Things I no longer purchase since simplifying

What is Kakeibo?

Japanese philosophy known as “household financial ledger”


1.Start each month by recording fixed income and expenses

2.Set a savings goal for the month

3.Record expenses into 4 pillars:

1.Survival: necessary expenses such as housing, groceries, medical/healthcare, transportation

2.Optional: things you don’t need to do but choose to do such as eating out, restaurants, bars, shopping, luxuries

3.Cultural: cultural events such as books, movies, shoes, music

4.Extra: irregular and unexpected costs such as repairs, gifts

At the end of the month, ask yourself 4 questions:

1.How much money do I have?

2.How much money would I like to save?

3.How much money am I actually spending?

4.How can I improve on this?

The more money you save, the higher quality of items you can buy in the future

Lets curate a life we love with intention and joy my friends!

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