8 things to declutter that aren't actual things in your life. How to apply KonMari Method to calendar, schedules, mental clutter, emotional clutter. Pharmacist Burnout Coaching and Joy at Work help

Episode 33 is about applying decluttering to other aspects of your life. You may be decluttering your physical space right now, let’s declutter other areas of our life.

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Mentioned on Ep 033: Eight ways to declutter things that aren’t things

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast. On episode 33 and the first episode of 2020, I’m excited for new projects to be launched in 2020 my friends and with the new year brings feelings of new starts. So while you may start decluttering your physical spaces, let’s talk about how we can declutter other aspects of our lives.

If you’d rather hear about physical decluttering, go back to episodes 12 and episode 13.

  1. Mental / mind
    1. Episode 7 CURATE method and U stands for Unpack and Brain Dump
  2. Relationships
    1. Take a relationship inventory – how does each person feel who you surround yourself with
  3. Schedule and Calendar
    1. Healthy boundaries
    2. Pause before saying yes this week
    3. Look at your calendar and see if everything sparks joy
    4. We don’t have to be busy just to be busy
  4. Goals
    1. First, set goals
    2. Life goals into yearly goals into quarterly goals into weekly goals into daily goals
    3. Don’t overwhelm yourself, 1-3 goals max per season of life
  5. Habits
    1. This could be your morning or evening routine
    2. Re-evaluate and make sure that it is aligning with your life
    3. Used to have a habit of walking daily? Add it back in. Used to have a habit of gratitude journaling? Add it back in. One at a time
  6. Eating
    1. How do you feel about your eating and food?
    2. When you open your fridge how does it make you feel? Overwhelmed by choices? Leftovers? Unused food you purchase each week? Same with the pantry?
    3. Decide if simpler will help you. Less food waste. Less anxiety when you plan.
    4. I recommend food prepping rather than meal preppingepisode 30 discusses this
  7. Emotions
    1. Waiting to be happy some day? When you get to that finish line
    2. Drop it
  8. Finances

If you’re struggling with this, I’m offering a cost-effective way to work together for accountability. My coaching program offers 30-minute weekly sessions to check-in for accountability, reflect on progress, answer and guide you through difficulties. Apply now at DrJessicaLouie.com/coaching.

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

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Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.


8 things to declutter that aren't actual things in your life. How to apply KonMari Method to calendar, schedules, mental clutter, emotional clutter. Pharmacist Burnout Coaching and Joy at Work help