Episode 55: KonMari Method after 5 Years. Long-term effects of Decluttering on Burnout. Learn if the KonMari Method effects lasted five plus years later.
Our one year anniversary of starting The Burnout Doctor Podcast! July 8th 2019 we launched the podcast with our first 8 episodes!
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Mentioned on Ep 055: KonMari Method after 5 years. Did the KonMari Method have long-term effects on pharmacist burnout?
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Today, we’re talking about where it all started. The KonMari Method saved me from burnout about 5 years ago. Let’s come back to where I am 5 years after using the KonMari Method and if it had lasting effects on my own life.
I’m not going to rehash my entire burnout and KonMari journey, you can go back to episode 2 and episode 12 for that information. I’m a Master-level Certified KonMari Consultant and the only pharmacist/healthcare professional certified in the method along with ~200 other consultants in the United States.
I’m going to be really honest. My life looks a lot different from before the KonMari Method to 5 years later. And it’s not just my physical space and physical clutter that looks different. It’s my attitude towards life. It’s how I look at what my ideal lifestyle is. How I approach the legacy I want to leave in life.
This was and is the first step in my Clarify Simplify Align method and going through it with intention was SO important to the lasting effects of the KonMari method. I really sat down and looked at my life. Realized I was not living by my own set of rules. I was still stuck in values my parents had, stuck at what society thought and what I should be doing. And honestly, going from realization to action was not overnight. It took months to write down and live my own set of values and WHY statement. But doing that work and exercise before ever pulling out all my clothing to declutter was so important.
What many of you want to know. Did simplifying and applying the KonMari Method to physical clutter last? YES, without a doubt it did. It is the method that no one rebounds from if done in the correct order and process start to finish.
Everything has a place in my home. Everything has a place in my car. Everything has a place in my work office. I know where items are located, can find them easily and put them back into their proper place.
I know what to ask myself before bringing a new item into my home. I know that I pause before hitting purchase online. I know when I receive a new item and I realize it wasn’t right (like a shoe not fitting perfectly) that I can return it right away without regret. Yes, I’m not immune from purchasing an item that isn’t quite right. But now, I don’t keep it and just live with it. I let it go with gratitude. I know the value of a gift is the gesture and not the physical item given or received. I know that finding a new home for an item that no longer sparks joy is rewarding and not guilt ridden.
This has had a profound effect on my mental clarity and mental health. When I am surrounded by items that light me up and bring me joy, I am more productive. It is easier for me to focus. I have healthier boundaries in my life.
Another added bonus, I have financial freedom. I have stopped the comparison syndrome to keeping up with the Jonses. I have gone debt-free using the Kakeibo Method too and have a budget around items I purchase each year.
Did you know my clothing budget per year went from nearly $5,000 to $600 a year?
It’s changed my perspective of consumerism behavior. I also think about the environment with each purchase. I transitioned to reusable items where possible starting with paper towels and napkins. I’m much more intentional when purchasing to reduce my environmental footprint.
It’s changed the way I look at our home. When we moved almost 3 years ago, we lived without furniture for almost 6 weeks. We had our bedroom furniture to sleep but we waited. We curated items in our home together that really sparked joy and that would last for years. That meant finding a couch, dining table, tv console, etc with intention and not just buying anything right away. I now look at our next move in fall with less anxiety. I know we have everything we need and more to survive.
Overall, I bought back my time and my life through this journey through resetting burnout and decluttering with the KonMari method. I spend much less time cleaning each week. I spend much less time shopping online or in stores. I’m ready to host company whenever they show up at our door.
The joy of working through months of the KonMari Method, holding myself accountable through the transition and mindset changes and committing to the change has transformed my life the last 5 years.
I hope that my story gives you hope if you are where I was 5 years ago. And I’m here for you with this podcast, our online resources, our Joy at Work online course or 1:1 coaching options.
*If you enjoyed this topic, will you take a screenshot of this episode and share it on your Instagram stories and tag me in the post. I’ll re-share it on my own stories.If you haven’t already connected with me, I’m most active on Instagram and LinkedIn – send me a friend invite and tell me what podcast episode has been your favorite!
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Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.