4 types of clutter affecting joy each day, how clutter relates to burnout and stress, clutter affects our parenting and making memories with family, simplifying for healthcare families, The Burnout Doctor Podcast and Marie Kondo Clutter mental health

On today’s episode, we are talking about what is clutter, how I categorize clutter in our life and how clutter affects our joy each day.

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Mentioned on Ep 062: 4 types of clutter affecting our joy each day and how clutter relates to burnout and stress!

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, episode 62, where we are talking about 4 types of clutter affecting our joy in this world. Yep, clutter in everyday life is a BIG problem for a lot of us. Thank you for the feedback on last week’s episode on how to be an action-taking, problem-solving professional. So many of you sent me messages about decisions you had and one of the steps that helped you the most. A lot of you really liked step 3 with a deadline. Remember, we all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.

On today’s episode, we are talking about what is clutter, how I categorize clutter in our life and how clutter affects our joy each day. One of my most popular episodes was how clutter relates to burnout; you can listen to episode 8 here on that discussion.

What is clutter?

Clutter is anything that gets in our way of experiencing joy each day. Clutter is anything that takes away our energy and focus from what is most important to us.

4 Types of Clutter

To make it simpler, I view clutter in 4 categories. Clutter is in our physical world, mental world, emotional world and spiritual world.

Physical clutter – our tangible, physical items – visually able to see them in our homes, our cars, our offices – clothing, books, papers, miscellaneous items or sentimental items. We declutter these physical items following the KonMari Method.

Mental clutter affects our ability to process information. Mental clutter is accumulating from our digital world each day from our phones, text messages, emails and app notifications. I relate mental clutter to our mental overload or mental load that many of us carry around with too much weight.

Emotional clutter affects our ability to express feelings such as anger, sadness, and fear. Currently, many of us are finding difficulty expressing our feelings in a virtual world. Going back to basics and thinking about how we wrote out our feelings via journaling or handwritten notes is a good reset button for ourselves.

Spiritual clutter affects our energy levels and ability to be present. Currently, many of us are going back to mindfulness and taking a mindful pause to help with spiritual clutter.

How is clutter affecting our joy each day?

It takes up our valuable resources – time, energy, focus and money. Yep I said it. The resources that we may never get back – TIME. And the financial cost of accumulating that clutter – mostly physical related – to keep up with the Jonses’ or some other societal expectations that leaves us drained.

WE have the ability to declutter these aspects of our lives so we can live our best life each day. Take control. Be proactive instead or reactive to life and situations. Yes, it does take time and effort to let go of each type of clutter. The END RESULT is worthwhile. The END RESULT leaves us with building memories with our family feeling present in the moment, feeling confident about our clutter free life and, not worrying about what others think, what others are posting on social media, what others are emailing us.  

I dive deeper into each of these types of clutter in our FREE Workshop on cultivating JOY AT WORK. Watch the free workshop instantly!

Have you been on the fence about coaching lately? Don’t know if it’s the right decision? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me to see if coaching is a fit for you. I look forward to talking soon!

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

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Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.


4 types of clutter affecting joy each day, how clutter relates to burnout and stress, clutter affects our parenting and making memories with family, simplifying for healthcare families, The Burnout Doctor Podcast and Marie Kondo Clutter mental health