Want to Save Money FAST right now? Find out 5 ways to save money FAST this quarter. Stay until the end where I share the biggest savings.


Hi, I’m Jessica and I love talking about financial freedom after experiencing burnout early in my pharmacist career. We talk passive income and simplifying on this channel to combat stress and burnout. If you haven’t seen my burnout story or our debt-free journey while in residency/fellowship, please click those video links below.

Be sure to also watch our video on How to Save Money FAST, saving 70% of my income here.

Money Savings 1

Cell phone – shop around for the best offers and plans. Analyze what services you are using. How many phone calls, text messages or data you use. When I did this, I realized that I no longer needed unlimited data storage on my plan. I was typically using less than 1 GB of data each month because of the transition to work from home and being able to access Wi-Fi nearly everywhere. I was paying triple what I should have been paying on an Unlimited Plan. I switched to pay by the GB, and went from $50 for the line to $12 for the line.

Money Savings 2

Books – Books are amazing educational resources. They also can add up costs quickly. I’ve read more than 10 books in one month before. To save money fast in this area, get them free from your public library. Borrow them from a friend. Find them in a Buy Nothing Group.

Money Savings 3

Storage – a lot of us use some type of Cloud Storage for our files. I personally like Dropbox. Go in and analyze how much you are using and what discounts are available. When I found a discount that may apply to me, I called up and got it applied to my account for the next year.

Money Savings 4

Software – I use a lot of different software in my business. One being Adobe for my podcast records and YouTube audio portion. I was previously on an education discount membership that had expired. I called up to ask for an extension of the promotion and got it applied to my account for the next year.

Money Savings 5

Beverages – one of the biggest expenses in the optional category of our Kakeibo Method are beverages including non-alcoholic and alcoholic. Consider reducing one or both of these categories this quarter. Personally, I LOVE water. Plain water. Water that is free and filtered in my apartment home. Think about how you can reduce the expense. Typically, alcoholic beverages are the most costly – can you use up what you have already? Can you reduce your consumption?

Biggest Money Savings this Month?

Cell phone plans

Watch more financial independence retire early (FIRE) videos on our YouTube Channel Today!


FREE Podcast and Burnout Kit: https://drjessicalouie.com/podcast

FREE Financial Starter Kit: https://drjessicalouie.com/kakeibo/

Pharmacy Resources: https://www.findyourscript.com/shop/

Capsule Wardrobes: https://www.petitestylescript.com/shop/

LISTEN TODAY: https://drjessicalouie.com/podcast/


How I’ll Retire Early // Financial Independence Retire Early as a Pharmacist:

How we Paid off $380,000+ in MEDICAL and PHARMACY student loan debt AS FAST AS POSSIBLE using the KAKEIBO Method: 

Passive Income Ideas Video: https://youtu.be/PE9-TiFOm80

7+ Income Streams: https://youtu.be/9ruhNsBy9Kc

Money Traps to Avoid in your 20s: https://youtu.be/SD0OsCWbxzM