Why I stopped running towards a finish line that never came, healthcare training burnout, pharmacist burnout, graduate school stress, The Burnout Doctor Podcast by Dr. Jessica Louie and Clarify Simplify Align Method.

Feel like you are on a race towards a finish line in life? Waiting for life to begin AFTER you complete your degree, residency or land that job? Hear WHY I stopped racing towards a finish line that never came on my journey through pharmacist burnout.

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Mentioned on Ep 064: WHY I stopped running towards a finish line that never came as I experienced pharmacist burnout.

Welcome back to The Burnout Doctor Podcast, I’m your host Dr. Jessica Louie. On episode 64, we are talking why I stopped running towards a finish line that never got any closer! You may be thinking, what does Jessica mean by this? If you are feeling stuck and chasing a life that will happen “some-day” stick with me on this episode. Thank you for your feedback on last week’s episode on How to Address the Monday Blues!

I love reading your messages and replies from my emails about our podcast episode topics. Many of you resonated with this concept as the long Labor Day weekend just finished. Many of you told me that step 1 of 4 was eye-opening and really helped propel you into utilizing our free podcast workbook to assess your life and feelings. A lot of you also went back to listen to our Don’t define yourself by your career title episode 10. We have SO many past podcast episodes that are SO helpful. Make sure you’re adding them to your listen list or you can read a summary transcript of them on our website! Remember, we all write our own stories in our lives and homes. Let’s all bring joy into home and joy into work.

On today’s episode, we are talking about how to stop running towards a finish line that never comes.  Now, if you’ve listened to the first couple episodes of my podcast (listen here), you may remember my reference to running towards a finish line that never came. To recap it here briefly…Back in my burnout journey in 2014/2015, I was finishing up 9 years of training in my profession –3 years of a bachelor degree, 4 years of a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and 2 years of post-graduate residency training in critical care. I thought…I’m finally to my finish line.


For those several years, I was rushing and running towards a finish line so I could “start-life” afterward. I didn’t view the life and days I was actually living as life. I viewed them as waiting to get to the end to actually live.

Looking back on those years, I now realize so many things that I could have learned from. I had a mindset of accumulating accolades in life and my career. Accolades of attending the top university, working at a top academic medical center, matching into a top academic medical center for residency training, obtaining those board certification letters after my name and so on.

Where did that leave me? Asking myself, “Why do I still feel empty after all this “career-success”??? Is this my real life???

After I hit rock bottom, this is when I actually started honestly answering these questions. I realized that running towards a finish line is NO way to live life. Life isn’t about waiting for something to happen. Life is right now, right now, right in front of us. All day every day.

How did I reset my mindset around this perspective?

I clarified my WHY and purpose. I owned my time. I practiced mindfulness and gratitude daily. I’ve already talked in depth on these topics, including episode 23 and episode 51.

I want this to be your reminder if you feel stuck and running right now. I recently talked with one of you on our complimentary calls to see if coaching is the right fit and this pharmacist also used the words, “running towards a finish line.” It got me thinking of how many people feel this way day in and day out. So here I’m now addressing it. This pharmacist became a coaching client of mine and is now making tremendous strides in her life in just one month of weekly coaching together. She is dedicating the time she needs to embrace a new viewpoint on life and her ideal lifestyle. No more waiting to live. No more waiting to get somewhere to “be happy.” Embracing the now.

Another pharmacist I talked to on our complimentary calls was telling me she’ll feel happy when she lands her next job. She was waiting to hear back after a job interview.

I’m going to be honest with you here. WAITING to be in life is passive. Waiting to feel happy or waiting to say I’ll live life when…xyz insert here…is not actually living. Embrace the now. Give gratitude to the now.

Do this simple mindset shift over the next week and let me know how you’re feeling afterwards.

I love seeing you take the action you need in your life. Have you been on the fence about coaching lately? Don’t know if it’s the right decision? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me to see if coaching is a fit for you. I look forward to talking soon!

I dive deeper into each of these types of clutter in our FREE Workshop on cultivating JOY AT WORK. Watch the free workshop instantly!

Have you been on the fence about coaching lately? Don’t know if it’s the right decision? Schedule a complimentary 30-minute call with me to see if coaching is a fit for you. I look forward to talking soon!

Until next time, spark joy my friends!

*If you enjoyed this topic, will you take a screenshot of this episode and share it on your Instagram stories and tag me in the post. I’ll re-share it on my own stories. If you haven’t already connected with me, I’m most active on Instagram and LinkedIn – send me a friend invite and tell me what podcast episode has been your favorite!

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Note, my views are my own and are not associated or representative of my employer(s).
This podcast is for educational purposes only and not medical advice.


Why I stopped running towards a finish line that never came, healthcare training burnout, pharmacist burnout, graduate school stress, The Burnout Doctor Podcast by Dr. Jessica Louie and Clarify Simplify Align Method.